Intel Centrino Advanced-n 6205 Agn Hackintosh


Just got a Lenovo x230 to replace my x200s, and I was wondering if the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 chipset supports bluetooth? I can find no indicators that it does in the Control Panel.

Evan CarrollEvan Carroll

1 Answer

Intel, incapable of advertising any of their products honestly, did not incorporate bluetooth into their advanced 6235 chipset. Interesting, it's in the Advanced-N 6235, and it's the non-advanced 2230, and even in the god damn 135.

Akele hum akele tum all songs. As if numbers aren't decieving, the new Ultimate lineup also lacks Bluetooth.

With Allah's blessing, may they burn in the hell for being so obscenely confusing and deceptive. Half a decade after Bluetooth's release and the premier business laptop still lacks it.

Evan CarrollEvan Carroll

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